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This model is used to explore the potential benefits of the ASEAN Power Grid - a set of proposed cross-border electricity interconnectors between the 10 ASEAN Member States (AMS). As with all energy system models, the inputs include a range of datasets and assumptions (e.g. technology cost projections, discount rates). All of these inputs are described here in order to allow for the model to be reviewed, re-run, and re-purposed.

Model scope

The model aims to represent the electricity systems of AMS as accurately as possible, subject to constraints on data and computation time. The main aspects that improve the accuracy of the model's representation of AMS' electricity systems are their spatial and temporal resolution.

Spatial resolution

The model represents all AMS as individually, with Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines at a sub-national level and the remaining five AMS at the national level. This is shown in the table and map below. (NOTE: This publication and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.)


** AMS regional definitions **

Code Country Region
BRNXX Brunei -
IDNJW Indonesia Jawa
IDNKA Indonesia Kalimantan
IDNML Indonesia Maluku
IDNNU Indonesia Nusa Tenggara
IDNPP Indonesia Papua
IDNSL Indonesia Sulawesi
IDNSM Indonesia Sumatera
KHMXX Cambodia -
LAOXX Laos -
MMRXX Myanmar -
MYSPE Malaysia Central
MYSSH Malaysia East
MYSSK Malaysia North
PHLLU Philippines Luzon
PHLMI Philippines Mindanao
PHLVI Philippines Visayas
SGPXX Singapore -
THACE Thailand Centre
THANO Thailand North
THASO Thailand South
VNMCE Vietnam Centre
VNMNO Vietnam North
VNMSO Vietnam South

Temporal resolution

Each year is divided into 2 'Seasons' [S1-S6]:

Season Months
S1 Jan, Feb, Mar, Oct, Nov, Dec
S2 Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep

Each 'Season' is further divided into 6 'Daily Time Brackets':

Daily time bracket Hours of the day
D1 0, 4
D2 4, 8
D3 8, 12
D4 12, 16
D5 16, 20
D6 20, 24

Together, there are 12 representative 'timeslices' in the model. The temporal resolution is the same for the entire model period.

Model horizon

Base year - 2021

End year - 2050

Key assumptions

Discount rates

The model includes two types of discount rates (DR): 'social' and 'financial'. The social DR is applied across the entire model and represents the relative weighting of present and future costs and benefits. A low social DR weights the present and the future more similarly than a high DR. The financial DR is technology-specific and represents the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for a given technology (e.g. power plant). The model assumes a value of 10% for both the social and financial discount rates. The latter is based on the IEA Cost of Capital Observatory.


Below is a summary of all the input data used in the model.

Technology costs

Battery costs from NREL. All other costs from OSeMOSYS Global and PLEXOS World.

Technology cost projections (Capital)

Technology Unit 2021 2035 2050
Battery storage USD2020/kWh 330 186 149
Biomass USD2020/kWh 1600 1500 1400
Gas - Combined Cycle (CCGT) USD2020/kWh 673 663 654
Coal - CCS USD2020/kWh 3355 3208 3061
Coal USD2020/kWh 1511 1499 1488
Geothermal USD2020/kWh 3423 3273 3123
Hydro USD2020/kWh 1792 1770 1748
Gas - Open Cycle (OCGT) USD2020/kWh 672 658 645
Solar Photovoltaic USD2020/kWh 602 542 483
Nuclear USD2020/kWh 4000 4000 4000
Waste USD2020/kWh 5200 4900 4600
Wave USD2020/kWh 5100 5100 5100
Wind - Offshore USD2020/kWh 2634 2473 2313
Wind - Onshore USD2020/kWh 1280 1209 1138

Renewable Energy Profiles

Hourly renewable energy profiles for wind (onshore and offshore) and solar PV in each province were obtained from Data for 2020 was used.

Renewable Energy Potentials

Renewable energy potentials by province (GW)

Node Country Region Solar PV Hydropower Onshore wind Offshore wind Geothermal
BRNXX Brunei - 0.16 0 0.15 0.372 0
IDNJW Indonesia Jawa 40.8 4.95 0.82 11.52 10.27
IDNKA Indonesia Kalimantan 133.69 21.6 0.09 1.26 0.05
IDNML Indonesia Maluku 1.88 0.73 4.86 68.3 0.46
IDNNU Indonesia Nusa Tenggara 6.04 0.36 5.99 84.17 1.21
IDNPP Indonesia Papua 16.05 22.4 0.16 2.25 0.06
IDNSL Indonesia Sulawesi 15.5 10.3 6.54 91.91 1.9
IDNSM Indonesia Sumatera 150.72 15.6 1.25 17.58 12.54
KHMXX Cambodia - 123.03 10 125.31 0 0
LAOXX Laos - 39.46 20 54.89 0 0
MMRXX Myanmar - 240.91 39.71 324.8 0 0
MYSPE Malaysia Central 26.21 14.23 32.31 0 0
MYSSH Malaysia East 4.5 0.38 8.06 0 0
MYSSK Malaysia North 14.22 5.39 16.09 0 0
PHLLU Philippines Luzon 15.66 11.64 27.61 60 0.76
PHLMI Philippines Mindanao 18.56 4.86 37.72 60 0.82
PHLVI Philippines Visayas 8.49 0 17.1 60 2.42
SGPXX Singapore - 0.42 0 0.28 0 0
THACE Thailand Centre 70.79 3.95 76.48 0 0
THANO Thailand North 285.97 10.89 315 0 0
THASO Thailand South 26.48 0.31 35.81 0 0
VNMCE Vietnam Centre 37.44 16.45 44.94 0 0
VNMNO Vietnam North 18.44 16.16 24.19 0 0
VNMSO Vietnam South 54.18 2.39 54.89 261 0

Electricity demand projections

Electricity demands for all 24 nodes, current and projected, are inputs to the model.

Electricity demand projections (TWh)

Code Country Region 2021 2030 2040 2050
BRNXX Brunei - 5 5 7 10
IDNJW Indonesia Jawa 179 263 418 779
IDNKA Indonesia Kalimantan 12 24 41 74
IDNML Indonesia Maluku 1 3 5 8
IDNNU Indonesia Nusa Tenggara 8 13 19 30
IDNPP Indonesia Papua 2 4 7 13
IDNSL Indonesia Sulawesi 12 20 34 58
IDNSM Indonesia Sumatera 43 80 140 249
KHMXX Cambodia - 10 26 61 139
LAOXX Laos - 6 16 59 245
MMRXX Myanmar - 14 16 20 30
MYSPE Malaysia Central 134 213 426 1074
MYSSH Malaysia East 10 13 21 45
MYSSK Malaysia North 16 21 36 82
PHLLU Philippines Luzon 70 123 232 513
PHLMI Philippines Mindanao 18 32 61 136
PHLVI Philippines Visayas 14 25 48 106
SGPXX Singapore - 55 63 79 114
THACE Thailand Centre 119 153 205 295
THANO Thailand North 89 123 168 244
THASO Thailand South 21 28 37 53
VNMCE Vietnam Centre 46 101 227 262
VNMNO Vietnam North 96 210 475 548
VNMSO Vietnam South 105 194 400 445

Fuel Prices

Fuel price projections

Coal Brunei $/mt 130
Coal Indonesia $/mt 70
Coal Laos $/mt 100
Coal Myanmar $/mt 130
Coal Malaysia $/mt 130
Coal Philippines $/mt 130
Coal Thailand $/mt 100
Coal Vietnam $/mt 100
Natural gas Brunei $/mmbtu 9
Natural gas Indonesia $/mmbtu 12
Natural gas Laos $/mmbtu 15
Natural gas Myanmar $/mmbtu 9
Natural gas Malaysia $/mmbtu 9
Natural gas Philippines $/mmbtu 9
Natural gas Thailand $/mmbtu 9
Natural gas Vietnam $/mmbtu 9
Oil - $/bbl 90